Elliot was absolutely fantastic to work with - he couldn’t have been more efficient, communicative and professional. He was also very empathetic to the creative nature of the work, and extremely open to collaborating and adjusting as we worked.

As well as having a great attitude, he is also extremely good at what he does - we were all so impressed with his work and I would be very confident in recommending him.
I hope to work with him again myself in the future!

Clare LangfordDirector

Social worker Norah struggles to balance her demanding workload with caring for her elderly father Horace, an ex-POW who has dementia.

On a particularly bad day, as Horace is sinking into a distressing episode, his daycare centre unexpectedly calls to say they are closed and Norah is forced to leave him home alone. In his delusional state, Horace mistakes his kind neighbour Mr. Wong for a Japanese camp guard.

As the horrors of his past resurface to haunt his present. Norah’s precariously balanced house of cards starts to collapse.